JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (122)Welcome to this week's episode! Before we get started, have you been following these morons in Brazil? I keep seeing pictures of them throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at the police in the streets. This is being done because the World Cup is there. What? Could that really be the reason? YES! These are the same idiots that eventually come to America, utilize our education system, attend University, all the while maintaining their heritage and bad mouthing America and it's institutions. These are the very same people that claim to be lovers of life but at the same time would never in a million years attempt to see you for who you really are because of your felony conviction. So, given that, I've decided to do the same to them. Screw you Brazillian. Go get a wax! Go back to your "heritage". How does it feel to be judged like that? You know what? I'm guessing you're too ignorant to care. OK - back to what really matters. My guest this week is Craig Wiener. Craig is an author and psychologist that just happens to have a great deal of knowledge about ADHD in children. The reason I decided to have Craig on is that this diagnosis is so prolific in children these days that there is a high likelihood of of a parent coming home from incarceration to a young adult or teen with these issues. Craig has an unconventional approach to the problem and I think this show is full of excellent information for ex-offenders finding themselves returning home to parent a child with this diagnosis.
I'm really excited to present to you this week an interview with Christy Monson. Christy is a retired therapist from the Las Vegas area and uses her experience from many years of practice to speak and write. We spoke about her book, Becoming Free, A Womans Guide To Internal Strength.
Christy is the first to admit the topics in the book are just as suited to men as they are to women. Procrastinination patterns, negative energy, an identification of childhood belief systems, and communication skills are all addressed by Christy in her book. We touch on each of these in the interview and the result is some very good information you can begin to use right away.
Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?