
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Your Attitude Sucks!

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers(140)First, I'm writing this the day after the riots in Baltimore. Good God there are some idiots in that town. When I look at the morons rioting it reminds of an element that you can't escape when you are incarcerated. It is these ignorant people that live by the rule of the street. It's actually a small majority of the prison population and, for me, was one of the hardest things to deal with while in there. They aspire to be rappers, drug kingpins, and pimps. They come from urban areas that are economically depressed and they have no desire to go back to any place but that environment. They have no desire to better themselves or to change their criminal behaviors. These are the people I see burning down Baltimore. They are ignorant, idiot, morons that are useless to society. Many of them are Bloods, Crypts, Mandingo Warriors, Gorilla Family,  and on and on......

The reason I even mention any of this is because if you are drifting in their direction, you better check yourself right now. The road of this mentality leads to prison and death and no where else. 

Enough of that crap - 

On this week's show Iv'e got a great guest. I'm open to the advice of go-getter type young people and that's the catagoty this week's guest falls into. A junior at Cornell, Nihar Suthar already has a great grip on realty. His book Win No Matter What is the center point of our discussion and I hope you join me for the interview because I think you'll find some excellent tidbits of advice.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Your Spiritual Journey

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (139)Hello!

So what's up with all the geniuses out there that insist on running from the police? Do they think they are going to get away? Wow! The ignorance amazes me . As an ex-offender you should know some simple truths about dealing with law enforcement. I feel like I know these truths and I feel like most of you know them as well. However, I feel the need to share them. 

1. Comply with all requests from the police and do so in a courteous way.

2. If you run, you will at a minimum get your ass kicked. Some people even end up dead as has been seen in  the National news lately.  No judge cares or wants to hear why you have 2 black eyes and a busted lip at your preliminary hearing. If you have a warrant you are going to jail so get your head ready for that. DON'T RUN!

That's it! It's that simple!

OK - On to this week's show:

On this week's show we take a look at our spirituality. Are you a spiritual person? If not, should you be? If you are, what is it that we should be seeking?

I chatted on this phone the founder and former Senior pastor of Holy Community Church in Nashville, Cindy Andrews-Looper. Cindy now has a business called, Enlighten Your Soul Now where she seeks to help people on their spiritual journey.

Join me for my discussion with Pastor Cyd on this week's episode.