I've learned over the past few years that there may very well be a large percentage of ex-offenders that have un-diagnosed ADHD. I have no way of knowing how accurate that assertion may be but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed true. For that reason I welcome my guest this week, Melissa Hood.
Melissa Hood has written her life's story in a book called, Memoirs of an ADHD Mind. Her story is interesting in that her childhood, teen years, and beyond, mirrors the life story of many of us......up to a point. She was a able to tackle and overcome ADHD and lives the successful, meaningful life that many many of us are working toward and are close to achieving.
I really feel like stories of overcoming adversity such as Melissa's have within them at the very least a morsel of something we can use to better ourselves. Check out my interview with Melissa Hood!!