
Thursday, June 16, 2016

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (158)

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (158)

I've learned over the past few years that there may very well be a large percentage of ex-offenders that have un-diagnosed ADHD. I have no way of knowing how accurate that assertion may be but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed true. For that reason I welcome my guest this week, Melissa Hood. 

Melissa Hood has written her life's story in a book called, Memoirs of an ADHD Mind. Her story is interesting in that her childhood, teen years, and beyond, mirrors the life story of many of us......up to a point. She was a able to tackle and overcome ADHD and lives the successful, meaningful life that many many of us are working toward and are close to achieving.

I really feel like stories of overcoming adversity such as Melissa's have within them at the very least a morsel of something we can use to better ourselves. Check out my interview with Melissa Hood!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Are You Rational?

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (157)

 like the idea of of examining the rationality in my life. Isn't doing that...rational? My guest this week, John Vespacian, has examined our rationality in great detail over a series of books ( ten by my count) that deal with the application of rationality in our lives. Vespacian draws on history and philosophy to find some applicable methodologies that can be used to insert a higher dose of rationality in our daily lives. Vespacian has a message that is right on target for anyone that struggles with defeating the impulsive behaviors that come from emotional response. Impulsive behaviors are indeed the reason for many behaviors that have landed people in prison.Obviously some emotional responses are good - I'm referring to bad impulsiveness. So, join me for my interview with John Vespacian as he calls in from the Netherlands on this week's edition of Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers.