
Monday, November 18, 2013

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS » Blog Archive » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (110)

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS » Blog Archive » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (110)Hi Yall!

I really like to talk to people that have turned their lives around. It seems to me, having worked toward doing it myself, that it is an immensely difficult task that takes a level of determination and persistence that far exceed any other challenge I have faced in life. Yet, it is indeed doable! There is no doubt in my mind that you have the ability and the courage necessary to put that event, addiction, situation, whatever it was that cost you your freedom, in your rear view mirror and to begin the productive life you you were meant to live. I like to find examples of people who have actually done this and present them to you in the chance that something they did to get things right is something you can use on your journey.

My guest this week, C.K.Webb is an ex-offender. She is also an author,  a reviewer and contributor to various publications, and hosts her own show on BlogTalk Radio. Join me this week as we speak with C.K. Webb about her past and her future. 

Always remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?

Friday, November 8, 2013

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS » Blog Archive » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (109)

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS » Blog Archive » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (109)Hello Everybody!

Well, it's that time of the year again...vigilante season. I have a few thoughts for sex offenders.

First, if you are on probation or parole and you put skeletons and goblins on your yard for Halloween and pretty lights in your windows for Christmas, you are an idiot. Period. It doesn't matter what the rules are for your jurisdiction. Don't do it.

For those of you, like me, who have completely discharged your sentence, you most likely have no restrictions in this regard. (PLEASE don't take my word for it and check with your local authorities). I have no restrictions. I can decorate and participate any way I chose to. However it is my opinion, for what it's worth, that any sex-offender that does the lights and decoration thing is not thinking straight. What you are guarding against is the possibility perceived inappropriateness. Among your priorities of not creating another victim, and doing good for society, it is also important to cover your ass at all times. That includes the perception that you have taken your conviction too lightly.

Never give that vigilante mind set even the smallest morsel of fodder! Keep focused on doing the right thing and you will be fine.

My guest this week is Arnold Harvey. Wow! This dude has an amazing story of overcoming adversity and has written a book about it called Every Decision Matters Be sure and click on the link after you listen to his amazing story as told during our interview.

Remember, if God is for you who can be against you?