
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Share "Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (200)" - AddToAny

Share "Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (200)

Hi There!!

On this episode I share some of my thoughts on this bizarre thing we're going through. 

I'm 59 years old and I can't remember anything remotely this serious. Apparently there were 3 pandemics in the 20th century. The Spanish Flu, the Asian Flu, and the Hong Kong Flu all took a toll on life in the U.S. with the Spanish flu causing almost 200,000 deaths and the other two around 100,000 deaths. Wow! I had no idea!. The Hong Kong flu was in 1968 which really wasn't that too long ago.

What happens next isn't that clear to me. I'm hearing best case scenario numbers at 100,000 deaths and worse case in the 1 to 2 million range.

Wash your hands. Stay home!

This too shall pass.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (199)

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (199):

 Faust Ruggiero is my guest this week. Faust is an author and a therapist and has worked in a variety of therapeutic settings over a 40 year period. In this episode, I spoke with Faust to get his ideas on integration and how we as ex-offenders can work through the adversity in ways in which we experience peace and being content.  Check out my interview with Faust!