
Thursday, February 12, 2015

I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead!

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (136)Hi Yall,

I've had people tell me over the years that I should not let anyone take my joy from me. What? I would always think, walk in my shoes buddy! However, I've learned over time that they are right. Why shouldn't I be happy? After all, I paid an extremely high price for what I did and it's time to move forward and live in a more positive way.

My guest this week, Dean Roberts has figured out how to help people live in a positive , more grateful way. Dean's book, I'll Fix My Head Before I'm Dead is his take on how to go about doing this. I think he's dead on!

Join me for my interview with Dean Roberts on this week's edition of the show.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Nasty Emotion ENVY

JOURNEY OF HOPE WITH RODNEY MATHERS ( » Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers 135 (

When someone mentions the big green monster are they talking about envy or jealousy? Turns out it's both! Both can be destructive emotions and are certainly worth taking a look at because they can negatively effect your relationships and other aspects of your life if left unchecked. 

My guest this week, Dr. Josh Gressel, zeros in on envy. Josh and I have a great conversation on how envy can be controlled. 

My friends, don't let envy be a problem in your life! Check out my interview with Dr. Josh Gressel. After the interview check out Josh Gressel's book

Remember. if God is for you, who can be against you?